KHVH picks up podcasting

The public can now download Newsradio KHVH 830 broadcasts of the Rick Hamada and Mike Buck Shows and Clear Channel’s public affairs program “Community Matters.”

Clear Channel Radio Hawaii is the first media company in Hawaii to launch “podcasting.” The public can now easily download free one-hour portions of the KHVH Rick Hamada and Mike Buck Shows and Clear Channel’s weekly public affairs program “Community Matters.” Simply visit, follow the link to Town Podcast and follow the instructions to download any of the selections. Continue reading “KHVH picks up podcasting”

Mainstream Media Is Tuning In to ‘Podcasting’

“We invented podcasting,” said Todd Cochrane, who hosts his own podcast known as “Geek News Central” out of his home in Honolulu. “The people who are coming in now are jumping over the fence and joining the party. It’s funny how Apple is so focused on the commercial shows and how little they are emphasizing the grass-roots side of podcasting.”

Mainstream Media Is Tuning In to ‘Podcasting’ (Washington Post)

UPDATE: Todd clarifies his comments here.

New: The Literate Loser

The Hawaii Association of Podcasters welcomes Mitchell K. Dwyer to the island podcasting `ohana with The Literate Loser, a book-based show that features readings, recommendations, and the occasional personal update (“the loser portion,” as he explains in his debut podcast).

Mitchell is a teacher at ASSETS School, and a life-long lover of literature and language. He is a contributor to Hawaii Metroblogging and, and keeps a personal online journal at Chalkdust.

Podcast Presentations

Tuesday, July 12 was a busy day for podcasting in the islands. Todd Cochrane of got things off to an early start with an appearance on the KHON morning news. A few hours later, he was at the University of Phoenix downtown giving an hour-long lunchtime presentation on podcasting (based on his book, Podcasting: The Do It Yourself Guide). He’s likely going to post the audio of his talk on his website later this week.

Then, as night fell, Peter Kay of and Your Computer Minute shared his take on the podcasting phenomenon, and the opportunities it presents, as part of the Cyberpizza series of talks. He’s already posted the audio from his presentation here.

New Podcasts

The Hawaii Association of Podcasters welcomes the latest batch of islanders to add their voices to the mix.

  • Keola Donaghy of Nahenahe.Net: Exploring the local music scene and Hawaiian music, language, and culture with a veteran web guru in Hilo.
  • Chris Damitio of Chris lives in Kailua, earns his living by driving people around the island, and is an author and active blogger.
  • James “BigDaddy” Plummer and Vernon “808Rider” Brown of “We are two guys talking about events, happenings, and pretty much everything that is going on in Hawaii.”

Be sure to check out all the local podcasters. And if you’re podcasting from Hawaii, or would like to start, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Podcasting on KHON

Local podcasters and the podcasting phenomenon were featured on the KHON 2 News this evening. Several local podcasting sites were shown on screen as the piece explained what podcasting is, and who in Honolulu is creating them. Congratulations to Todd Cochrane, Roxanne Darling, and Shane Robinson, and thanks for making us all look (and sound) so good! And special thanks to the especially tech-savvy Kirk Fernandes for putting together such a great segment.

To watch the segment in RealVideo format, click here. To read the text version of the podcasting segment, click here.

Isle geek writes the book on podcasting

Part radio, part TiVo, literally bringing the voice of the everyman to the world, podcasting is an incredible phenomenon that’s sweeping the globe… and one self-described geek right here in Hawaii has written the first definitive guide. Honolulu resident and veteran podcaster Todd Cochrane was tapped by global publishing powerhouse John Wiley & Sons, Inc. to write “Podcasting: Do It Yourself Guide.”The 300+ page book covers every aspect of podcasts, from finding and listening to them, to creating, improving, and promoting your own audio show. Due out in June, the book will be on store shelves before the podcasting phenomenon itself is barely a year old. Continue reading “Isle geek writes the book on podcasting”

In The Works

Todd Cochrane ( is poised to take centerstage on the global podcasting scene on Friday the 13th, with a big announcement  — which has been promised for weeks — finally coming in his 64th show. Meanwhile, Peter Kay (, a familiar voice who recently jumped into podcasting, has also been thinking big, looking to make waves out in the middle of the Pacific.

Both Todd and Peter will probably have a lot to say at an open, noontime HAP meetup, taking place at Kakaako Waterfront Park on Thursday, May 12. If you’re a local podcaster, wannabe-podcaster, podcast listener, or just curious about podcasting, be sure to pack a lunch (and some sunscreen) and join us.

Other events to put into your PDAs:

  • Aloha for Eric Rice, a spontaneous and casual gathering to welcome this all-media evangelist to the islands, tentatively scheduled for the evening of Sunday, May 15. Details TBA!
  • Podcasting: Applications for Business, with Roxanne Darling and Shane Robinson of Bare Feet Studios, at noon on Thursday, May 19 at the Univ. of Phoenix (745 Fort Street, Rooms 101/102).
  • Best of the Podcast-O-Sphere, with Bob Lew for the UH Pacific New Media program, on Thursday, July 7. Location TBA.
  • Podcasting Teach-In, with Bob Lew for the UH Pacific New Media program, on Thursday, August 4. Location TBA.

Homespun ‘Podcasts’ Explore a Universe of Topics

Homespun ‘Podcasts’ Explore a Universe of Topics
Andy Sullivan, Reuters, April 10, 2005:

Like the World Wide Web 10 years ago, many podcasts rely on homespun charm rather than slick presentation. Anybody with a computer and a microphone can set up their own show. Several radio stations have developed podcasts of their own, typically condensed versions of their morning shows. Businesses from Newsweek to General Motors have set up podcasts, as has Democratic politician John Edwards, who ran unsuccessfully for U.S. vice president last year.

Survey: Millions tuning in to ‘podcasts’

Survey: Millions tuning in to ‘podcasts’

The home-brewed audio programs known as “podcasts” are catching on with people who own iPods or other digital-music players, according to a survey released Sunday.Twenty-nine percent of U.S. adults who own MP3 players like Apple Computer Inc.’s iPod say they have downloaded podcast programs from the Internet, the Pew Internet and American Life Project found.That means more than 6 million people are listening to a form of communication that emerged only last year, according to the non-profit group.